Aetna Group,
a leading global partner for packaging solutions
Aetna Group provides high performance in innovation, quality and profitability, while minimizing TCO.
Aetna Group's commitment involves a strong link with local and territorial realities, aware of the important resources that Emilia-Romagna can and knows how to put in place, in order to increasingly make the made in Italy innovation an international excellence. At the same time, the vision of One Global Company embraces these competencies and brings them into a transversal context, through a worldwide network of services and assistance that guarantee an added value, always respecting the environment.
The ability to create advanced customized solutions is supported by a constant commitment to Research & Development, with significant investments in technologies and an Open Innovation approach, which aims to provide skills and resources across a wide industrial sector, adopting the concepts of IdC (Internet of Things) and Digital Twin as models that can be implemented in different fields to achieve the best production performance, optimize resources and ensure environmental protection through energy saving.